Category Archives: Theatre

Review: Calamity Jane, Wales Millennium Centre by Gemma Treharne-Foose 

 out of 5 stars (3 / 5)

A rootin’-tootin’, boot-scooting good time…

For anyone looking for a way to escape the horrors of the 2025 news cycle, may I recommend instead a little excursion to the prairies and saloon bar of Deadwood City in Goldrush-era USA? 

The 2025 touring production tweaks the 1961 stage play, based on the 1953 Hollywood smash musical movie featuring the iconic Doris Day and gives it a little bit of a “modern” touch. You may have memories watching Calamity during holidays, or maybe on a Sunday with your grandparents…you may not know *how* you know the “Whip-crack-away” song or the tune to “Just Blew in from the Windy City”, but even if you don’t remember the movie exactly, the 2025 musical will draw you in for its spectacle. From its cowboys and hoe-downs, to the the Americana bluegrass musicians and the vocal powerhouse that is Carrie Hope Fletcher, there are plenty of story, song and dance nuggets to keep you satiated. 

We meet Calamity, Wild Bill Hickock and a rag-tag ensemble of Deadwood City saloon-goers at the Watermill Theatre, HQ for the production’s story where Director/Choreographer Nick Winston and Director Nikolai Foster first imagined the world of Calamity in 2014. For this production, the production team have added a few extra songs and lost others synonymous with problematic representation or iconography. 

The production does well to navigate some of the awkwardness and “cringe” (to quote my daughter’s favourite phrase) of songs written in an era where men literally imagined the idea, wrote the story, the theme tunes and then staged and directed the show featuring predominantly white men. It’s a bit like watching Little House on the Prairie – it’s almost an absurd parody of the true harshnesses, shocking injustices and brutality of frontier life, but it sure was nice escaping to a fantasy for a few hours. I even enjoyed a song sung by Katie Brown (Seren Sandham-Davies) and Calamity about “A woman’s touch”, where they spruced up the homestead cabin with some tablecloths, patchwork curtains and dried flowers. No trad-wives here though, thankfully – Calamity is whip-smart and there is plenty of sass and energy from Vinny Coyle (playing Wild Bill) and the wonderful Samuel Holmes playing Francis Fryer. Holmes’ comedy chops and comic physicality were a real highlight throughout. 

There were some humorous queer-coded moments which the producers could have leaned into a little more during the scenes where Katie Brown moves in and “runs away” with Calamity Jane. It’s a little “nudge-nudge, wink-wink”, but at least this production has a little more diversity than the man-fest that was the original film. The musicians and ensemble cast mingled about freely providing pace and colour to the script, which at times fell a little flat here and there. Being set in the Wild West with a gaggle of blow-ins, the accents did wander a little “off-piste” at times, but anyone whose watched a production of Guys and Dolls will be familiar with accents oscillating between Noo Yoik and Surrey. It’s all good, clean fun and the cast were great sports and had a great rapport. Huge respect (or should I say Yee-Hawwww!) to Richard Lock for his bow-legged shuffling and toothless gurning as “Rattlesnake” – he really looked the part! 

Centering the entirety of the production in the same Saloon spot may have made sense, but I did find myself wanting to see more more travel, movement and visual interest in the wider set, which could perhaps provide more of a sense of place of the vast rolling plains and prairies where Calamity roamed. Her stagecoach excursions are brought to life by straddling the saloon pianos and chairs, spinning umbrellas, wheels and the two tapping coconut shells for horses hooves. It’s a nostalgic, good time romp through some of Hollywood’s most enduring musical classics and Carrie Hope Fletcher’s voice is truly beautiful. The production finished with an audience rendition of the Black Hills of Dekota, a hoedown reprise and joyous soft-shoe shuffling, spins (and – spoiler alert – there’s a double wedding). Well it was written in 1953 don’t forget…

There’s plenty of life in Calamity Jane and her musical / film iterations – It would be wonderful to see a Hollywood biopic of the real Calamity. Her letters and diary to her and Wild Bill’s daughter Janey in the 1800s were found to contain a true glimpse of her life and character. The songs only tell part of the story. But in the meantime, the stagecoach, Wild Bill and Calam will be in Cardiff til they “Whipcrack Away” on the March 15th. So if you’re fancying a hoe-down and a Sarsparilla, with the gang you’d better saddle up….

Calamity Jane at the WMC – Book here (closes 15th March)

Review: The Rocky Horror Show, Venue Cymru, Llandudno by Richard Evans

Venue Cymru, Llandudno, March 3rd – 8th 2025 and touring

 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)

Howard Panter for Trafalgar Theatre Productions, Mallory Factor for Hill Street Productions and Rupert Gavin

The Rocky Horror Show has come a long way since it debuted upstairs in the Royal Court theatre in a 10.30 showing in an auditorium seating 60 people.  What is it about the show that gives it a lasting appeal?  Certainly there is a prevailing sense of fun throughout and the music is upbeat and energetic with the signature song, Time Warp having a timeless appeal.  However it is the subversive nature of the story that has seen the show gain its cult following. 

The storyline in one sense is a sideline.  It was never meant to be profound, rather it was a spoof on a long line of 1950’s B-movies that had a sci-fi theme.  A sweet couple having just got engaged break down in their car and seek help from Frank n Furters castle in the distance.  There they enter an alternative reality that shakes their perception of normality to the core.  Of course some of the inhabitants are aliens who take revenge on Frank n Furter who is guilty of having a profligate lifestyle and betraying some of his loyal servants. 

The cast were well drilled, enthusiastic and energetic.  Adam Strong as Frank n Furter was suitably commanding and was ably supported by the sinister Job Greuter as Riff Raff and the ebullient Jayme-Lee Zanoncelli as Columbia.  The choreography was slick and well rehearsed while the set was simple, adaptable and effective.   

The show is narrated by Joe McFadden who was excellent in dealing with the interruptions from the audience.  These have obviously become part of the tradition of the show as they were not only tolerated but expected.  Some of these were funny, sometimes the interruptions were intrusive.  Either way, McFadden handled them well

First produced in 1973, the play picks up on the attitudes that exploded in Britain with the advent of the permissive society.  This was the era of glam rock where people played around with traditional male and female norms and were less afraid of being openly indulgent in their sexual appetites.  To quote, ‘Give yourself over to absolute pleasure’.  Can people really do that without consequence?

Writer Richard O’Brien never expected it to last but shortly after it bombed on Broadway for not being high brow enough, he heard that it was getting cult following on campuses across the USA where students were attending a performance in costume.  A new trend was formed that allowed those of us who were normally constrained by their career driven, family orientated lifestyles could throw off those shackles and go wild for the evening.  

Now that the show is over 50 years old, does it retain its cutting edge?  It is still subversive but has to be slightly more explicit to give that shock factor.  There is also a disconnect.  Having started off with such humble origins, the glitz and glamour of a West End style show seems slightly out of place.  However, that does not detract from what remains a fun filled, light hearted and still slightly shocking show.

Review, An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley – Wales Millennium Centre by Bethan England

A scene from An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley @ Churchill, Bromley. Directed by Stephen Daldry. ©Tristram Kenton 09/19

 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

An Inspector Calls is a staple of English Literature GCSE; we’ve all grown up knowing the twists and turns of J.B Priestley’s classic play. I remember vividly studying it and even playing Shiela Birling in an amateur production, so I know the play well. This is a production that rips up the basic setting of the upper-class drawing room and engagement party that Inspector Goole intrudes upon, with unwelcome news. This is a moody, smoky, gritty production that really emphasises the themes of society, class, gender and generational divide.

The set is extremely impressive. I loved the ‘doll’s house’ Birling household, with them being closeted away inside away from the audience’s view as the curtain lifts. It stands on stilts above the street below, keeping the Birlings and their perfect world away from the gutter, out of the view of the lower end of society. The front of the house opens up to begin their descent, swinging open to reveal their garish opulence, which stands starkly against the grey drabness of the street below. The Inspector arrives and bridges the gap, slamming steps against their home to be able to force them to descend to the streets below. The house plays an important part later on too, which I won’t spoil, but this further visceral vision of the collapse of this affluent family is excellent and drew gasps from the audience.

A scene from An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley @ Churchill, Bromley. Directed by Stephen Daldry. ©Tristram Kenton

I also loved the costuming, with each character revealing their own unravelling. Sheila becomes more and more undressed as the show progresses, with her beautiful white gown having less and less fabric as action unfolds. Gloves are removed, shoulders taken off, leaving bare shoulders and arms. The other cast are disrobed in similar ways. Eric especially is dishevelled and unkempt upon his return; Mrs Birling’s perfect hair cascades messily down her face.

Tim Treloar as Inspector Goole walks through the darkness of the auditorium to the stage, his figure standing tall and forlorn in the single ray of the streetlamp. We have a Welsh Inspector here, a fact made altogether more impressive by the fact that this is a change specifically for the Wales Millennium Centre residency. The accent adds an extra element to the performance; ensuring that Goole stands apart from the Birlings, not quite fitting in anywhere to the fictional industrial town of Brumley, England. His performance was not what I was expecting at all; this Inspector is sometimes funny, passionate, clearly passionately involved in the tale of Eva Smith and her untimely demise. It makes him more human than previous iterations I have seen; his humour breaking the sometimes almost unbearable tension of the scenes and, of course, immediately gains him the empathy and support of this Cardiff crowd!

An Inspector Calls 2024. Tim Treloar (Inspector Goole) and Alice Darling (Edna). Photo by Mark Douet

He is joined by an excellent cast; Jackie Morrison owning every inch of the stage in her opulent gown as Mrs Birling; Philip Stewart is our understudy Mr Birling and brings the upper-class bluster and self-importance of Birling in spades. The younger side of the family are played to great effect by Leona Allen as Sheila Birling and George Rowlands as Eric Birling. Tom Chapman completes this ensemble as Gerald Croft, bridging that gap between the older and younger generations with ease. I also thoroughly enjoyed the ever-present Edna played by Alice Darling, her fair skin and quiet demeanour constantly reminding us of the lost Eva Smith and being an unending reminder of the effects that this family have had on a girl just like her.

This is a production which is unafraid of silences, poignant pauses and tableaus which really drive home every piece of symbolism and theme of the script. The image of the Birlings brought low by the Inspector, wrapped in blankets on the cobblestones beneath the very house they presided from is one that will stay with me for a long time. I enjoyed the use of the young actors throughout the piece and the ensemble serves to remind us that we are one society and those who forget that do so at their peril. This is ably directed by Stephen Daldry (with assistance from Charlotte Peters) and ensures that the audience sees this very well-known script with a whole new set of eyes. My only tiny complaint was that we lose some of the dialogue full of foreshadowing and dramatic irony at the beginning, with the house remaining closed slightly longer than I would have liked. But this is a very small grumble in an otherwise well executed, smart production.

Moody, atmospheric, with spades of tension to boot; I love the original, but I’m pleased to report that this adaptation maintains that whilst adding many more layers and creating a version that will stay with the studiers of this GCSE piece. Ultimately, I think that is what is important; maintaining the integrity and message of the original whilst compounding its importance for the future generations that are, and will be, reading it in class. The audience, both young and old, leave with ‘fire and blood’ in their minds, left with the message of ‘one society’ that is more important now than ever, almost 80 years after it was first produced in the West End.

Review The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Wales Millennium Centre by Tracy Robinson

As the weather turns frosty, it feels like we too have stepped beyond the fur coats and into our own endless winter. But if that means joining the Pevensie children on an adventure, then this winter brings plenty of warmth!

The stage adaptation of C.S. Lewis’s “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” is a magical experience that brings Narnia to life. Directed by Michael Fentiman, this production blends music, puppetry, and energy, making it a treat for fans old and new.

The Wales Millennium Centre delivered an unforgettable experience. Marking the novel’s 75th anniversary, this adaptation enhances the beloved story’s magic. With breathtaking staging and a talented cast, it brings the wonder and adventure of Narnia to life.

From the moment the lights go down, the visuals are breathtaking. Tom Paris’s set and costumes transport the audience into the snowy forests and the White Witch’s icy castle. The puppetry, especially in bringing Aslan to life, is wonderful. Actor, Stanton Wright, along with a team of puppeteers, makes the lion feel both powerful and real.

The music by Benji Bower and Barnaby Race adds depth with folk-inspired melodies. A unique touch is the actors’ playing instruments live on stage, making the atmosphere even more immersive.

The cast shines, led by the four Pevensie children, who capture both the wonder and sibling squabbles of youth. Joanna Adaran (Susan), Jesse Dunbar (Peter), Kudzai Mangombe (Lucy), and Bunmi Osadolor (Edmund) bring their characters to life, making Edmund’s transformation from selfish to redeemed very moving.

Katy Stephens is both chilling and captivating as the White Witch. Archie Pope’s Mr. Tumnus is warm and endearing, and his nostalgic song about spring is a show highlight. Ed Thorpe’s Mr. Beaver brings the perfect amount of humour, while Anya de Villiers as Mrs. Beaver is equally delightful.

 The audience reacted with gasps of wonder and enthusiastic applause, especially during the wardrobe’s magical transformation into Narnia. The mix of humour, adventure, and emotion made the show enjoyable for all ages.

Some special effects may not be as striking from seats farther away, and the first half’s pacing is uneven, with some scenes dragging while others felt rushed. At times, the music overpowers key dialogue. Aslan’s portrayal as both a puppet and an actor is creative, but some may find the transition a bit distracting. 

And of course, no matter how magical the show, it doesn’t come with a real portal to Narnia. Some audience members (myself included) might leave a little disappointed after checking the back of their wardrobes at home!

This adaptation is a brilliant retelling of a beloved story. With strong performances, stunning visuals, and immersive music, it captures the heart of C.S. Lewis’s classic. Despite minor flaws, the passion and creativity behind this production make it must-see. Whether revisiting a childhood favourite or discovering Narnia for the first time, this show is a magical and unforgettable experience.

Taking off my critic’s hat for a moment—this production completely swept me away. I could go on and on with praise, but I urge you to see it for yourself. I felt like a child again, lost in a magical world brought to life in the most fantastic way. It’s 317 days to Christmas, but in Narnia, every day could be Christmas. If I could exist in both the real world and Narnia like the Pevensies, it would be a dream come true!

Review Bat Out of Hell –New Theatre, Cardiff, 3rd February 2024 by Bethan England

 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

Bat Out of Hell unapologetically storms onto the New Theatre stage, bursting with the greatest hits of Jim Steinman and Meatloaf, a set straight out of a dystopian cityscape, punchy, stylish dance routines and vocals to die for.

There’s a lot to take in, from the tunnels of Obsidian, the incredible band pouring their hearts and souls into the beloved songs, the performers who look like they’re having an absolute blast and the lights and sounds which fill the theatre to even further capacity. The storyline follows a rag tag bunch of unageing friends; The Lost, who live beneath the city in the tunnel system. With echoes of JM Barrie’s Peter Pan, (indeed where the piece has its origins as Jim Steinman originally intended to pen an updated version of the play called Neverland), The Lost are bombastic, free spirited and unashamedly living their ‘forever 18’ lives. Above ground, the ‘Hook’ of the piece, Falco, threatens all that they stand for, trying to bring enforced order to their bohemian lifestyles of rock and roll. His free-spirited daughter, Raven, however, has fallen in love with the forever young Strat and is determined to run away, find The Lost and live her life her own way and be free.

Although the themes of Peter Pan are still evident in some ways, the piece now stands apart and carves out its own space in the Musical Theatre genre. To draw parallels with other jukebox musicals would be unfair; it does have similarities, but it is certainly unlike anything I have ever seen on stage before in shows such as We Will Rock You, for example. The show is pure theatre. It is unashamedly over the top, loud, proud and explosive. From the first number to the curtain call, the audience is grabbed by the frilly white shirt and pulled into their world. The dance numbers are electric; the leads and ensemble leap across the stage using the tunnel set to its full potential, disappearing and reappearing through its maw. The pure energy of the routines really impressed me; the ensemble earning their cheers in the finale just as much as the lead performers.

And what a cast of leads it is. Our four main characters clearly have Bat in their blood; Rob Fowler as Falco and Sharon Sexton as Sloane both originated their roles in the 2017 production. They clearly know these songs and these roles like the back of their hands; their musical numbers are truly spectacular with vocals that are described in no other way than brilliant. Paradise By The Dashboard Light is spectacular and hilarious in equal measure, but their voices reach even further heights in What Part of My Body Hurts the Most and It’s All Coming Back To Me Now. They clearly adore this piece of theatre; it oozes out of them whenever they step on stage.

Katie Tonkinson as Raven also returns to the role having played Valkyrie and cover Raven in the UK and International Tour and Peacock Theatre. She brings a perfect naivety to the role but then owns the stage with confidence and poise in her musical numbers. Heaven Can Wait was beautifully sung showing her softer more emotional vocals, but the counterpart to this was her heartfelt, raw rendition of It’s All Coming Back To Me Now. Glenn Adamson as Strat owns the stage and proves why this is a role this he is critically acclaimed for. He clearly channels the performances of Meat Loaf and his performance leaves the audience breathless; he bounds across the stage with restless energy and pours every energy into every single song. The ‘greatest hits’ are truly made his own with an obvious standout being his performance of Bat Out of Hell, truly raising hell at the end of act one. Georgia Bradshaw as Zahara and Ryan Carter as Jagwire also deserve mention, for their rendition of Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad alone; their vocal acrobatics had me on the edge of my seat.

The tour tries new things too, with the current in vogue method of bringing onstage videography to the production. I enjoyed this element as it did allow an extra layer to the performances and enabled lots of close ups and different angles of the musical numbers. I did, sometimes feel a little overwhelmed as I wanted to look everywhere at once; at the screens, the action on stage, the dancers and the lead vocalist. The cast also uses handheld mics throughout, even throughout dialogue. This does give the show a distinct concert feeling but it can sometimes feel slightly distracting.

Overall, the show is pure energy, dragging the audience along with its joy and vigour and certainly pulled people to their feet by the end to sing and dance along. For fans of Jim Steinman and Meat Loaf this is an absolute must, but there’s something here for everyone so catch it at the New Theatre before it roars off to the next stop of its tour!

More information and to book tickets here

Review Nutcracker (the alternative cabaret) by Rhys Payne.

 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

Over the past couple of years, it has become somewhat of an annual tradition for me to take the short journey to the Weston Studio and the Wales Millennium Centre to watch a queer-infused re-telling of some of the most iconic Christmas classics to ever exist. The last three Christmases saw Polly Amorous and the team take over the venue with their unique version of festive stories (the most recent of which is the first xxxmas which you can read about at but the team working on this year’s project took a much more classically theatrical twist! As the name would suggest this iteration of The Nutcracker players homage to the iconic two-act ballet of the same name and I have to admit this is not a show I am particularly familiar with and so it did take me a little longer to pick on some of the nods and reference to the original show.

Production Images Kirsten McTernan

The story explores the underground world of misunderstood creatures as they highlight their skills in the wonderfully eccentric “Le Crack” through a series of cabaret-style performances. I thought that it was particularly clever that the opening moments of the show showed the group of outcasts actually putting on the aforementioned cabaret performance for the audience as this beautifully blended the lines between the story and reality that totally made sense!

My favourite performance in this version of The Nutcracker however was the captivating Cadbury Parfait who took on the wonderfully iconic role of the Sugar Plum Fairy. From the very moment this performer stepped onto the stage, they instantly stole both the spotlight and the audience’s attention as they showcased an incredible burlesque-infused performance. The performer used every inch of the stage as they began peeling off layers of their gorgeous insanely regal, gorgeously pink outfit which the audience went absolutely wild for. The second half of this production, however, saw the sugar plum fairy fully embrace a more villainous perspective as she began to spout a series of homophobic/transphobic abuse at the budding couple of the Nutcracker and the Rat King. This transformation began with the character being shrouded by towering curtains (which later magically cascaded down to the floor to reveal her new outfit) above the stage as she donned her Margret Thatcher-inspired suit/hair as she began spouting transphobic/homophobic abuse at the new coupling of the Nutcracker and the Rat King which was clearly a reference to the section 28 laws passed during Thatcher’s leadership. This then transformed into a performance of a performance of “Just Don’t be Gay” which was a comedic, cabaret-centric number that exposed the character’s bigoted views and also contained buckets loads of audience participation as the sugar plum fairy had key audience members reciting the straight creed of loving fixing cars, top gear and cigars. Despite being the character which the audience was encouraged to hate and boo, but I could not help myself being totally transfixed every time this character took to the stage!

Just over a year ago, we were introduced to the incredible Diomede at the first every Hell Haus event (which you can read about at where we were totally transfixed by their incredible lip-synch talents but I was not aware how much of an all-round musical performer they are! Diomede was announced as the titular role in this queer-adaptation of the classic Nutcracker, and they were instrumental in helping invite immense amounts of sympathy from the audience. As an innocent character brought into this underground world of cabaret, The Nutcracker is not aware of all the things that go on at Le Crack or the lives of the creatures underground and so seeing this character go from being totally unaware to becoming a victim of the oppression was very powerful! There was a hilarious sequence later in the show where Diomede was forced into a physical box after confessing their attraction towards The Rat King (captured wonderfully by Len Blanco) to her master the Sugar Plum Fairy which led to a series of hilarious events where this performer trying to encourage a romantic moment while being stuck inside the box and also reciting the “straight man” mantra introduced by the sugar plumb fairy which had the audience in hysterics throughout!

In terms of individual performances, however, there was one member of the cast who clearly used this production to showcase their immense array of talents. Before ‘the cast of Le Crack’ could take to the stage the audience was greeted by Heledd Watkins as the world’s first dominatrix cockroach who helped to introduce “Le Crack” and the rules of the evening (which was obviously very important at any event) with a series of Nessa-inspired interactions with the audience. Throughout this compare-style introduction, ‘Roach’ showcased their bilingual talents by sharing some of the information through the medium of Welsh which is obviously a fantastic inclusion. Later in the production Roach also showcased their musical talents but not only providing backing vocals for all the performers but also busting out a series of electric guitar solos which was insanely impressive!

Overall, Nutcracker: the alternative cabaret is a contemporary and entertaining twist on one of the most iconic ballets with a much-welcomed queer/cabaret style twist which allowed space for a series of mesmerising performances. As previously discussed, this is my first experience with The Nutcracker so I do believe that I may have missed some of the references to the original story, but the narrative itself was easy enough to understand. Despite being an extremely outlandish tale, the love story between the invading toy soldier and the king of the rats is particularly captivating and the added layer of queerness to the story makes it even more heartwarming. The audience was clearly immensely involved with the story as they appeared to erupt in thunderous applause or booming boos at key points in the story. I would rate this story 4 out of 5 stars!

Review Mum Fighter Tracy Harris by Holly Harris

The story is super powerful, and it created a more impactful side to motherhood.  The synopsis of the story delves into the complexities and resilience of the whole womanhood and motherhood aspect, it further tells the story about a mother, called Amber, who fights for her daughter’s health who is fighting cerebral palsy, and her name is Bea. The stage configuration illustrates a boxing ring to win the support for her daughter, the whole story shows great emotion and conflict with the facing of cerebral palsy and the role of being a mother going against the system.

The performance I went and saw with my College, BGLZ, was led by Micha Williams, her performance was incredible, and her portrayal has widely influential in the theatre.  The acting led by the actress is praised for its emotional depth and physicality due to its practical on-stage boxing techniques.  The character Amber has great purpose in the play, she is the protagonist and is a compelling person. The actress plays her outstandingly well and with the physicality, and the acting was amazing. Micha shows great significance when using the boxing ring that symbolizes a determination to fight for her daughters’ rights, this made me super emotional because of how well she portrayed the characters feelings.

The themes within the play are very vulnerable when it shows the depth of an innocent family’s life.  The lengths that a mother will go through for her child is empowering, and this play definitely shows the strength that Amber goes through, but also the upsetting side to it too.   The theme of fighting is the main theme of the play, and it adds that unique adaptation to the story’s main focus.  Furthermore, the boxing metaphor demonstrates the emotional and powerful dimension to the narrative: this emphasizes the intensity of Ambers struggle while dealing with life.

In summary, the Mum Fighter play is a powerful story written by Tracy Harris, and it explores her own struggle.  Harris has a son with the disability, Cerebral Palsy and has created a perfect adaptation of her personal life to a stage show demonstrating the battle she went through herself. With the joint amazing writing and performance, the play is overall incredible, and the theatrical experience creates such a moving atmosphere within the theatre that leaves the audience grasping for what happened next, and how proud that the audience is when Amber wins the fight mentally and physically.

Review Mother Goose, Theatr Clwyd by Donna Williams

Photo credit: Andrew AB

 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

It was a joy to be back in the newly refurbished main theatre at Theatr Clwyd for their annual Rock ‘n’ Roll pantomime this year. Theatr Clwyd is currently undergoing a huge redevelopment and aims to gradually reopen, with everything up and running again from mid-2025. The main theatre, renamed Moondance, is the perfect venue for the festive event of the year- for even if sitting in the back row, it’s impossible not to feel part of the action. Audiences were thrilled not to miss out last year as the production moved to the Big Top but unfortunately it lost the intimacy which makes Theatr Clwyd’s infamous panto so special and so, here we are, back to what we know and love…oh yes, we are!

The scene is set immediately upon entering the auditorium with an old farm windmill stage right and an ominous looking water tower with a chute attached stage left (all to be revealed later in the proceedings!) The proscenium arch is adorned with brightly coloured lights and, as always, the show’s title is displayed proudly in the centre, this year decorated with bubbles and rainbows- such a lovely, warm welcome to the new venue! Theatr Clwyd’s sets always have a story to tell, and they’ve even gone one further this year adding a nod to the modern age with flashy computer screens and super tech equipment in Suella de Rhyl’s lair (kudos to whoever came up with our villain’s name this year…and that’s coming from someone who lives in Rhyl!)

The costumes get bigger and better every year (as does Phylip Harries’ Panto Dame chest!) From the beautiful bohemian regalia of Billie Eyelash, the Fairy (another inspired name!) to the sublime and ridiculous Botticelli inspired Birth of Venus costume donned by Dame Gwladys Goose- a huge hand must go to Adrian Gee whose designs are simply show-stopping!

There is something for everyone when it comes to the music and choreography in this production. We’re treated to a version of Beyonce’s Texas Hold ‘Em but with a rather amusing lyric amendment…’This ain’t Wrexham (ooh!), ain’t no hold ‘em (hey!)’, a rip-roaringly appropriate Shake Your Tail Feather and a beautifully performed take on Snow Patrol’s Chasing Cars which is surprisingly moving.

Once again, the cast enthrall us with their capabilities as performers; line dancing one moment then rocking out on guitar the next, tackling some tricky dialogue before heading off to grab their saxophone! Incredible! And the reason, for me, that Theatr Clwyd’s panto is head and shoulders above the rest! No reliance on ‘celebrity’ names, just pure talent!

This production is superbly cast, each bringing their character to life with energy, powerful vocals and spot-on comic delivery. Phylip Harries’ once again shines as the Dame (it will be a sad, sad day when he decides to throw in the boob pads!) but special mention must go to Celia Cruwys-Finnagan as Mari Goose- standing at about five feet tall, this pocket-rocket has a powerhouse voice, sparkling charisma and sheer professionalism in spades! Director Daniel Lloyd is very much missed on stage, having been a pivotal part of Theatr Clwyd’s pantos for many years. However, his experience and expertise on stage mean he is all the better at knowing what works and what doesn’t as a director, and that paired with the witty and original writing of Chris Patterson can only be a recipe for success.

Mother Goose is quite literally the mother of all pantos- it’s got everything, from a brilliant script, a stellar cast and the perfect balance of wit, sentiment and tradition with a sprinkling of Christmas cheer. The new theatre has been christened and what a fabulous beginning to its story! Here’s to the next chapter for Theatr Clwyd!

Theatr Clwyd, Mold

December 6th, 2024 – January 19th, 2025

Writer: Chris Patterson

Director: Daniel Lloyd

Set & Costume Designer: Adrian Gee

Assistant Director: Ellie Rose

Musical Director: Tayo Akinbode

Casting Director: Jenkins McShane Casting CDG

Lighting Designer: Johanna Town

Sound Designer: Ian Barnard

Choreographer: Jess Williams

Company Stage Manager: Alec Reece

Deputy Stage Manager: Edward Salt

Assistant Stage Manager: Emma Hardwick

Wellbeing Facilitator: Hester Evans

Cast includes Dan Bottomley, Joe Butcher, Celia Cruwys-Finnigan, Imad Eldeen, Phylip Harries, Alice McKenna, Ryan Owen, Steve Simmonds, Chioma Uma, Georgina White

Running time: Approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes (inc. interval)

Review, The Happiest Man on Earth, Southwark Playhouse, By Hannah Goslin

 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

No story about the Holocaust is ever the same. We think we know the basics, we know what happened and continue to be appalled. But story after story comes to us, with each being ever so different to the last, each so horrific and heroic and unfathomable.

The Happiest Man on Earth, based on the best selling memoir by Eddie Jaku, a holocaust survivor, is brought to the stage in this fantastic one man show. From childhood to adulthood, we are taken through Jaku’s life from the happiest to the most horrific.

Kenneth Tigar who plays Jaku, firstly comes in and interacts with us, ad-libbing on the spot and not only making us comfortable but also chuckle. He is friendly and lovely and this sets us up, within a cocoon of security, for him to deliver the spine tingling tale. Tigar somehow delivers the entire, highly theatrical production with a way that feels like he is speaking to each of us individually. He makes eye contact, letting us see the range of emotions, deep from his soul. It’s so easy to forget, this isn’t his story. He delivers it so vulnerably, so intimately and so candidly.

While Tigar is the only performer, sometimes switching from himself to other characters with subtle voice and physical changes, the set and the making of different locations and atmosphere is represented through minimal staging and a range of soundscapes and lighting. It does the right amount of adding to Tigar’s performance but also elevating it theatrically. It gives you shivers and envelopes you within these different spaces and transports you to the range of humble places to the depths of hell.

The Happiest Man on Earth is a fantastic production, delivering a high theatrical performance without taking away the main essence and reality of Eddie Jaku’s life. This is not only down the the fantastic and subtle staging but also to the personable performance by Kenneth Tigar.

Review A Christmas Carol, The Sherman Theatre by Kate Richards

Image Credit Richard Hubert Smith

 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

Taking two children (11 and 12) to see a production of the Dickens classic ‘A Christmas Carol’ and knowing nothing about the production was a risk.  I’d heard it was quite long, I was worried it might be very dour and maybe the language would be inaccessible for youngsters.  I’ve also experienced other Christmas productions which were quite ‘arty’ interpretations of classic tales (e.g. The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe – when during the interval I heard a child ask their parent ‘Mummy what’s an Aslan’?) and clearly went way above their heads.  So, I was fairly surprised to see a variety of instruments on and before the stage as we came into the comfortable auditorium.  I was also reassured to see a detailed set of a traditional snowy, Victorian street scene, as I’d feared a minimalist, abstract set that might not convey the oppressive Dickensian atmosphere.  The opening seconds of the performance also did not disappoint – a dramatic musical flourish and a burst of coloured light revealed the silhouette of our ‘protagonist’ complete with tilted top hat and heavy winter coat.  And that readers, was the end of all the traditionalism……

‘He’ was not a he at all – this Cardiff dwelling, Ebenezer Scrooge (or Ebbie) is a cello-playing, powerhouse of a woman with the stature and stage presence to intimidate all but the bravest of souls.  Hannah McPake strides around the stage, glaring and hollering at anyone who tries to drag her into the spirit of Christmas and merely laughs at the impending threat of her three night-time visitors. 

It’s difficult to know where to start reviewing the rest of the cast – each of them taking on at least two but most often four or five other characters through-out the show – but undoubtedly what they all have in common is an abundance of talent!  It is honestly breathtaking the quality of the acting, singing and musical skills we were treated to by this accomplished cast.  We had a harp, an accordion, a saxophone, we had puppets, we had slapstick comedy, tears and anguish, romance and West-End quality voices from a cast of only 8 and there wasn’t one amongst them that didn’t add to the richness of the experience we had in the Sherman Theatre that evening.

The subtle beauty of the ghost of Christmas past (Catrin Mai Edwards) – beautiful Welsh vocals and evocative storytelling had me transported to Victorian Cardiff and entranced.  Then, listed only as ‘Apprentice Actor’ in the programme, our hearts were all broken by the perfect tones of Madalena Juma as Ebbie’s Mum forced to give him up as she was sent to the Workhouse.  ‘Apprentice’ she may be, but she is definitely mastering her craft most ably as she held her own amongst this accomplished company.

After the emotion and the drama of the past, and still laughing in the face of her past crimes and misdemeanours, Ebbie and the audience are confronted with (or maybe ‘assaulted by’) the Ghost of Christmas Present…..what can I say about Owen Alun as the Ghost of Christmas Present?  There are no words – suffice to say that EVERYONE needs a ‘Ginger North Walian’ in their lives at Christmas (and frankly all year around!).  No spoilers here – you have to experience it!

In a very modern backstory, we got insight into the reasons behind Ebbie’s notorious miserliness and the drama was built as we thought the Ghost of Christmas Present had finally cracked through her hard shell and Ebbie would be saved from the torment and chains endured by her former business partner Marley, but alas she soon slipped back into her old ways.  Bring on the mighty Ghost of Christmas Future! 

The creativity of this production is wonderful – the four ghosts (including Marley of course) could not be more different – they are humorous, enchanting, ridiculous and terrifying and take the audience on a rollercoaster of emotion through-out the nearly two-hour production.  There is so much attention to detail in the set, the costumes, the vulnerable delicacy of the puppet children, the music and the songs – it combines to make a perfect evening.  Last Christmas I had the pleasure of seeing Disney’s Aladdin at another venue in Cardiff – the big budget spectacular was incredible and left me feeling joyous and uplifted, but I can honestly say that the exuberant feeling as I jumped to my feet to explode into applause with the rest of the audience after this production, was absolutely no less life-affirming and the first thing I did when I got home was have a look to see if there are still tickets available to go again!  This is pretty much a first for me – I don’t think I’ve seen any production twice in my life!  It was heartening to hear that my 11-year-old son and his friend loved it to, and he’d also be willing to spend another evening in the company of this incredible cast!  Oh, and if you’re wondering who his favourite character was?…….That well-known Dickens character – the business bauble!  You’ll just have to go and find out for yourself!