The Adventure Zone: The Suffering Game is the newest release in the TAZ Graphic Novel series, a book series spun from their first iteration of the story, through playing DND for a podcast. I’ve loved this podcast since I first heard it, and it’s incredible to relive and re-experience the story with a fresh new look and some changes to the story after time has elapsed.
Suffering Game is the sixth book in the series of (what I think will be) seven total, and the sixth arc of seven in the podcast’s original storytelling. And though my softest spot is for TAZ: The Eleventh Hour (which is arc five), this is a close second. The ramping tension and upheaval of the stakes in this arc is fantastic, and I love how well it was put to paper in this novel.

The art and transition to paper that this arc takes is fantastic; the drawings and attention to detail is done to an exceptionally high standard, and the movement of the story into book form is really well done. That being said, there are some omissions in the book from the original podcast story, and some of them are moment that I miss greatly, but understand wholeheartedly why they were removed. A lot of it is to do with streamlining, naturally, and things like “trimming the fat”, but it was “the fat” that I liked the taste of best. There are things removed from the character’s arc that I understand – removing these aspects is fine since they technically don’t lead anywhere. They’re superficial aspects (character’s looks being sacrificed to the game, character backstory going unexplored) because, ultimately, they don’t serve any purpose in the finale or wider story. Which is fine. Except for, I miss them. But it is fine.

This story as a whole means a lot to me, I’ve always really enjoyed it, and I still do. I like it in both audio and visual form. The art by Carey Pietsch is fantastic (as it always has been), and the writing works brilliantly to invoke its origins, keep the pace, and make you laugh. Which it does!
It’s an excellent graphic novel – though maybe not as an entry to the series (would be hard to start a series at the penultimate!). Though I think that part of my five stars comes from nostalgia and old love for the material, I still think it deserves that ranking. It’s a great book, an easy read; the art is fantastic and it’s fun to look for the small details across every page.