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Review: Tokyo Rose, Burnt Lemon Theatre, Edinburgh Fringe Festival By Hannah Goslin

 out of 5 stars (2 / 5)

A wonderful way of bringing more unknown stories to light is through theatre. Burnt Lemon Theatre have done this with the story of Tokyo Rose.

An American woman, of Japanese heritage finds herself under the fire for treason in a case of mistaken identity, tricks and conspiracies. Burnt Lemon Theatre, through musical storytelling, bring us the story of this woman, from early life to the trial.

Not the biggest of musical fans, I have in the past be pleasantly surprised and converted. Unfortunately, Tokyo Rose does not do this for me. With musicals, some involve moments of script to break up the music, and some are back to back songs. With Tokyo Rose, this is more of the latter and it feels a little as if we need a break to take in the information. It feels quite full on.

What cannot be argued in how much the performers put into their series of characters, the choreography and singing itself. It is pristine, well formulated and executed with 110%. There are times that the singing is slightly off – throwing in quite often what I would call a ‘Mariah Carey’ flare; this over the top harmony that does not quite hit the right notes and could really be done without.

Unfortunately, Tokyo Rose was just not my cup of tea. Bringing such an important and not well known story to the forefront in this way is entirely commendable, and the performers are obviously very talented and bringing their all to the production. I really wanted to like it more – an all-female production bringing the injustice of a woman in the 1930’s/40s in a story missed slightly by time – it just missed the mark and did not seem to gel well with a musical approach.

Review: Conspiracy, Barrel Organ, Edinburgh Fringe Festival By Hannah Goslin

 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

I am sure that all of us consider at least one Conspiracy
theory to be true. Or at least question it. But is it a conspiracy, fake news,
or are we easily convinced?

Barrel Organ bring us an hour of questions, of theories, of
arguments, mistrust and a jumble of opinions. Three freelance researchers are
recording their findings on the famous picture of a line of men, sat eating
their lunch on a skyscraper above New York. What this begins in a series of
fast paced, believable explanations and theories behind how they got there and
the realism of the ‘facts’ they have in possession of.

Conspiracy is a really minimal production. It is completely
about the narrative, with imagery and props only to help along the story. It is
really fast paced – imagine explaining something exciting to someone with no
idea of the content – you become fast, full of energy and eager to surprise the
listener. Now throw this into a play at a constant.

It is so well written and with the combination of the
amazing performers, you almost cannot believe that it is scripted. It feels
like a real conversation; there is so much information that you cannot believe
it is just rehearsed lines and the interaction between the characters is so
naturalistic and real that we almost feel intrusive into the broadcast.

Events eventually come to a climax, and the exasperation,
the anger and frustration feels real but we cannot help but laugh. The comedy
is completely on point – it is subtle, it is often brought with the right
pause, the right intention, sometimes is even a subtle facial expression or
gesture and you soon find yourself in complete hysterics.

Conspiracy is everything you want in a production – realistic, engaging and hysterical. Somehow you come away almost believing the content on stage, questioning conspiracy theories but also thoroughly entertained.

Review: Teenage Kicks, Roisin Crowley-Linton, Edinburgh Fringe Festival By Hannah Goslin

 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

I am so happy with this year’s fringe and the abundance of
solo female shows. Something that I have always wanted to do myself, it is
great to see such confident, talented and inspirational women storming the
stages of Edinburgh.

This is no exception of Roisin Crowley-Linton. Physically
and figuratively, Crowley-Linton bares absolutely all to us on stage.
Crowley-Linton works with teenagers, and this brings her to compare her teenage
years with those of today; to be honest about the risky and at times sensitive
events she has been through, and at the same time, giving great advice.

Stand up, meets spoken word, meets music and cabaret,
Crowley-Linton has put together a meaty show. But it does not feel at all
overwhelming. Everything moves swiftly and smoothly into one another, drawing
on each story to involve the next. We feel like we are experiencing a story,
but as if we are also there having a chat with her.

There is plenty of audience interaction, but stating from
the start, Crowley-Linton is not here to ‘take the piss’ out of us, nor is she
here to call us out. She asks us questions such as a song that reminds us of being
a teenager, or where our first kiss was. We also are encouraged to talk to one
another, becoming close friends and being honest with strangers. It feels like
a safe space, and she always makes sure we are okay.

Crowley-Linton is also completely hilarious. Perhaps
relating more to a generation in their mid to late twenties with specifics of
their teenage era, there is still an abundance of ages in the room who resonate
with the themes and with her as a person.

Teenage Kicks is not just a performance. It is a friendship group. It is relaxed, honest, raw and Crowley-Linton is an incredible woman to bring a piece to stage where she opens herself up to us, unashamed and with complete humour.

Review: A Wake in Progress, Fine Mess Theatre, Edinburgh Fringe Festival By Hannah Goslin

 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

Adding to the ‘Death at the Fringe’ sector this year, Fine
Mess Theatre bring us a death celebration.

When a young woman finds herself dying, all she wants to do
is celebrate her life and go out with a bang. Not so much an unusual tale in
today’s modern age, funeral parties before the death of someone is becoming
increasingly popular – However, Fine Mess Theatre take this subject on with
great intent and a refreshing approach.

The combination of scripted performance and audience interaction
is equally measured. We are invited as guests; we are not made to feel like the
audience but part of a really exclusive group of friends – given party hats and
sweets, asked for our suggestions and addressed by names, (on a name tag we
write at the beginning, but somehow the performers never make it seem as if
they are reading them) we feel a part of this woman’s life. We feel the
emotions and we feel the love.

The script is perfectly natural. Perfectly rehearsed, it
does not feel scripted and if we were not at the fringe, it would be hard to
guess that this is indeed a play; the performers interact and project their
lines as if it was real life. The only theatrical break is when we are involved
in the party and so there is a dramatic turn to the in depth and naturalistic
scenes on stage.

And while partly heart breaking, partly realistic, there is
some comedy to it. And these parts are not dramatised. Again, this is part of
the script, naturally approached and so beautifully humorous, as one would find
in a normal conversation among friends.

A Wake in Progress is true to life, deeply thought out and well executed. While a funeral is not something to find joyous, this celebration is worth the attendance.

Review: Art Heist, Poltergeist, Edinburgh Fringe Festival By Hannah Goslin

 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

What happens when three thieves break into a gallery, the
same night, to steal the same painting? A hilarious series of events full of
comedy, gasps of close calls and complete chaos.

Art Heist by the company Poltergeist, in partnership with
Underbelly and New Diorama Theatre, bring us a high energised and full of
calamity production featuring three thieves and a gallery guard. All have
different motives, different personalities and bring their own humour and likeability.
At some point the characters are all bound to bump into each other, but there
is a sense of a tense atmosphere while waiting for this, along with near
misses. Once they do, the interaction is surprising, well thought out and full
of comedy.

There’s hardly a break in this production for anyone – reminiscent
of Monty Python, come Mischief Theatre’s ‘Comedy about a Bank Robbery’ with a
hint of alternative reality/game culture, the narrative and actions are both
fast paced and with quick thinking, yet perfectly accomplished with every
comical intent hit.

Each character narrates their actions, sometimes with
interaction from the guard who throws spanners in the works. This reminds me of
watching a video game, with planned out thoughts that not always come to

The staging and lighting is simple – characters are always
on stage but always engaged. We get different levels away from the main action,
without a single person breaking character. 
Multimedia is used with cameras, sound effects, lights e.t.c. to give
the emphasis of a gallery but also to layer the action.

The performers themselves are hysterical – fully involved in
their characters, there is freedom to ad lib and go with the chaos, especially
when the audience are encouraged to interact. The simple ‘guard training’ that
the audience undertake is hilarious in itself; again, it is simple but well put

Art Heist will steal your heart and rob your laughter – coming away, there is admiration of the energy of these performers and great smiles at how much fun we have in just an hour.

Review: The Words Are There, Nth Degree Productions, Edinburgh Fringe Festival By Hannah Goslin

 out of 5 stars (3 / 5)

How does one express themselves without being able to speak

The Words Are There tells the story about Mick and Trish,
their meeting, relationship, the most important moment of their lives, but with
the underlying issue of domestic abuse. Mick himself suffers from a stutter and
so we see the impact this relationship has on bringing him out as a person and
then shutting him back down.

This piece is fascinating. Using only sound cues and music,
The Words Are There is a fully physical theatre production with only props to
help us along the way. It is fast paced, intricate and full of energy, even at
times of stillness. At times this is a little hard to keep up with and also a
mystery to how Ronan Dempsey manages to keep going in this one man production.

While there in minimal narrative, with our reliance on the
sound cues and the physicality, we are able to imagine our own scenes for Mick
and Trish – triggers for the good and triggers for the bad are all available
that we cannot help but get swept into the drama.

It seems comical when Dempsey makes Trish out of household
items – but how he interacts with her and makes her move, we soon forget she is
just an object and really believe in her and her personality.

The production is slow starting but somehow this works into
bringing us to curve balls and climaxes. It feels like a build-up and we enjoy
the ride; getting to know these two characters and developing love/hate
feelings towards them.

The Words Are There is an energetic and emotional piece. Slow to start, we do engage intimately in these two characters and our feelings immediately change with the theatricality of the narrative.

Review: Final Form, Ange Lavoipierre, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, By Hannah Goslin

 out of 5 stars (3 / 5)

Now this is going to be a hard review to write. How do you
write a review when everything goes wrong, no fault of the performer?

Unfortunately for Ange Lavoipierre, technology was the devil
for her tonight.

Final Form is a comedy show involving a cello, Lavoipierre’s
past and present, her likes and dislikes as well as being open, raw and
entirely loveable. Her approach to making her life comical is absurd but
likeable and unlike any other.

But this was severely tampered with with the consistent tech
malfunctions. Lavoipierre does well to laugh it off, continue when possible and
use her natural comedic talent to keep the ball rolling. Her interaction with
us is constant, warming and we are all there rooting for her.

From tales of snail massacre, to what she really wants in a
man, Lavoipierre’s sense of humour is dark, unapologetic and damn right funny. We
feel apart of a group and her friendly and confident personality makes us feel
safe in her cocoon of an unusual life.

She’s not afraid to be vulnerable when things go wrong; but
when they go right, they are excellent.

She has a fresh approach to female comedy, which is great to
see; touching upon relationships, marriage and children, somehow it feels more
fresh and a little less of what many female comedians can fall short with by
bashing ticking clocks and men in general.

Ange Lavoipierre is lovely, friendly and definitely funny. It was just a real shame that tonight was when everything went wrong for her. I urge you to check her out, as her recovery over these obstacles shows that she has a real talent for comedy.

Review: The Sensemaker, Women’s Move, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, By Hannah Goslin

 out of 5 stars (3 / 5)

Have you ever been on hold? The irritating music. The
repetitive recorded voice. The infuriation. But when we reach the end and
someone answers, aren’t we polite.

The Sensemaker is a predominantly multimedia, choreographed
piece, responding to sound and music, with repetitive, but also different
gestures and movement throughout.

We are there to question what is happening, and what would
we do for the right opportunity. Some parts of the performance are comical –
the performer continues to smile but her eyes and her glances away insist she
is nothing but happy – a relatable response to being on hold; and others are unfathomable.
Would you really do THAT if you were asked? If your opportunity depended on it?

While the piece is simple, there is a sense of Sci-Fi to it.
The recorded voice and the reactions are relatable to anyone who has been stuck
on hold. But the responses that are required e.g. ‘Clap 6 times for English.’ ‘Crouch
down and take one step to the right …(for analyses)…’. e.t.c is demanding and
unusual, making this process the performer goes through feel all too much like
a potential future reality.

It feels funny but it also feels dark and unnerving –
reaching some points when you really question what she is working for and
whether it is worth it. But who are we to question when we may be in the same
predicament and willingly do the same things.

With almost 99% pure movement with sound and music queues,
The Sensemaker is a really interesting piece; being able to bring something so
deep across with only the minimal is quite a feat and a very clever response.

The Sensemaker is good fun, but also dark. It throws up a lot of questions about ourselves, our World and the Future. And watching something very ‘mime’ orientated was a breath of fresh air through the Fringe.

Review : Retirement Tour, Andrew White, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, By Hannah Goslin

 out of 5 stars (2 / 5)

This may be an odd title for a 19 year old to name his show.
Why would you retire comedy at such a young age?

Andrew White opens up to us, and becomes vulnerable before
our eyes with the truth about his title. After a bad gig, admitting he was not
right for that audience and of which was due to a booking mistake, White
explains to us through honesty and comedy about how this has rocked him,
leaving him to consider whether comedy is for him or whether a stint in
University is more sensible.

We learn a lot about White – his personal life, his ever
changing fight with his own confidence and we see him battle with this on stage
as he produces his acceptance letter to do communications at Cardiff

At first this reveal of the letter and his sub sequential
decision to pursue comedy instead, seems very premature into the proceedings
and feels as if he has already revealed his trump card. But this continues onto
a series of ever changing decisions, revealing more and more letters, said to
be his acceptance. This is a fun approach, and feels as if we are contemplating
the decision with him.

White does seem a little nervous on stage. Understandably,
stand-up comedy and at the fringe where there is much competition is a tough
business and again, we forgive the lack of confidence but will him to continue.
Unfortunately this therefore makes his delivery feel more of a TED talk than a
comedy set, but we are interested none the less, with comical interludes.

Andrew White: Retirement Tour is an interesting comedy set – we follow him on his battling life decisions and feel honoured to go through this sequence with him. With some great jokes involved, White could go a long way with a little more confidence in his delivery. 

Review: Here Comes Your Man, Matt Hoss, Edinburgh Fringe Festival,By Hannah Goslin

 out of 5 stars (2 / 5)

Do you recognise the title? Here Comes Your Man comes from a
famous Pixie’s song to which our comedian for the night thought was all about
love. Yet he has a sore realisation that it is about a murderous homeless

So how does he turn this around? Matt Hoss the hopeless
romantic bears his soul to us for comedy, telling us about his relationship
fails and his hopes for the future.

Matt Hoss is a rapid speaker and at times it we lose the
train of thought slightly. This can only be put down to nerves, which we
appreciate and are happy to stick with for a funny man.

You cannot help but feel for Hoss – we have all been there,
and it being rare for a man to feel so much and to be romantic – any lady would
be happy to have him. But his tales are not unusual, but the way he has twisted
it and to create a show from it, is.

To turn this into comedy for our enjoyment is brave; he is comical, lovable and fun to be in a room with.

With a little more confidence, Matt Hoss could go far. He is worth checking out for all those who have loved and lost, and need that pick me up!