Now this is going to be a hard review to write. How do you write a review when everything goes wrong, no fault of the performer?
Unfortunately for Ange Lavoipierre, technology was the devil for her tonight.
Final Form is a comedy show involving a cello, Lavoipierre’s past and present, her likes and dislikes as well as being open, raw and entirely loveable. Her approach to making her life comical is absurd but likeable and unlike any other.
But this was severely tampered with with the consistent tech malfunctions. Lavoipierre does well to laugh it off, continue when possible and use her natural comedic talent to keep the ball rolling. Her interaction with us is constant, warming and we are all there rooting for her.
From tales of snail massacre, to what she really wants in a man, Lavoipierre’s sense of humour is dark, unapologetic and damn right funny. We feel apart of a group and her friendly and confident personality makes us feel safe in her cocoon of an unusual life.
She’s not afraid to be vulnerable when things go wrong; but when they go right, they are excellent.
She has a fresh approach to female comedy, which is great to see; touching upon relationships, marriage and children, somehow it feels more fresh and a little less of what many female comedians can fall short with by bashing ticking clocks and men in general.
Ange Lavoipierre is lovely, friendly and definitely funny. It was just a real shame that tonight was when everything went wrong for her. I urge you to check her out, as her recovery over these obstacles shows that she has a real talent for comedy.