“My jaw still hurts from how much I was laughing”
I’ve been a massive fan of James Acaster for a long time, my first encounter was on Mock The Week where his comedy and personality hooked me immediately. I then got into other shows with him in Taskmaster and Hypothetical (both shows I highly recommend to anyone). This developed into looking into his Netflix show “James Acaster: Repertoire” and loving his stand-up comedy outside of panel shows. So, when it was announced that he was doing a new tour and close to me I had to go see it. Buying my tickets immediately.
It tool place in the William Aston Hall, in Wrexham Glyndwr University. Which confused me as not many comedy shows or performances are performed in a university lecture theatre near me. It was a good venue, it had many rows of seats that allowed everyone to have a good view of James. The comedy show does say that you need to be 14 years old or above and that is expected from James Acaster comedy and should be applied for any parents who want to take younger members to this comedy show. The tickets were £20.35 and the seats were very good for the price and the performance was well worth the price.
I was nervous, this wasn’t my first comedy show but I didn’t know what to really expect. I was both nervous and excited. It did not disappoint. James Acaster made me laugh so hard that on the way home my jaw hurt! All stories he tells are real, funny, and unbelievable. While telling stories he had a quick wit that allowed for the crowd to really be involved with the stories. The stories allowed for the audience to laugh along with James and capture the humour that he uniquely portrays. I don’t want to go into detail about the show as that would ruin it, but the stories captivate and drag the audience into a comedy show full of laughter, fun and surprises.
If you have ever seen James on talk shows this is nothing like that. It is way better. This is pure James Acaster. and it is 100% genius. If you’ve ever laughed from James’ comedy you will love this show. If you have quick wit, you will love this show. This show is amazing, and I encourage anyone to go watch it.
In the end, I give “Cold Lasagne Hate Myself 1999” 5 stars, it portrays amazing comedy that is animated and hilarious.