Tempo Time Credits

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All members of Get the Chance receive Time Credits at the rate of 1 Time Credit for every hour spent involved in reviewing an event or activity.

Everyone’s hour is worth the same and everyone gets thanked. There’s no limit to how many credits an individual can earn, and the more you earn the more you can spend. Time Credits never expire.

Time Credits make a sustainable difference to a range of organisations across our communities, housing, health, care and school sectors. They are proven to increase the number of people involved in the community and are able to help sustain that involvement over time, bringing about a range of transformative outcomes.

Time Credits can be spent at a range of venues across Wales including,

  • Cardiff City Football Club
  • The Sherman Theatre
  • Chapter Cinema
  • Cardiff Devils
  • A range of council/trust Leisure centres,
  • Cardiff International Pool
  • Cadw Sites
  • No-Fit State Circus
  • Blackwood Miners’ Institute

And many more, check out the latest South East Wales spend brochure for further details

The Time Credit network covers much of the UK. Spending opportunities exist at the venues below in London.

  • Barbican Centre
  • Little Angel Theatre
  • The British Museum
  • Royal Opera House
  • Tower Bridge

And many more,  check out the latest London spend brochure for further details.


Spice Time Credits are…

Creating opportunities for a diverse range of people to experience and respond to sport, arts, culture and live events. / Lleisiau amrywiol o Gymru yn ymateb i'r celfyddydau a digwyddiadau byw