Review, HOSTAGE, Bad Clowns, Gilded Balloon, Ed Fringe, By Hannah Goslin

 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

Ever wondered what being taken hostage would be like, particularly at the fringe? or on stage? I appreciate there may be productions that indeed make you already feel that way. But with HOSTAGE by Bad Clowns, you g… well you don’t quite get a real hostage situation but you get a comical, chaotic hour of something like one.

Bad Clowns, a madcap comedy trio, take us on a journey from a fringe show about a character named Timothy Potts, supposedly loosely based on the main actors life, when his ex-writing partner escapes prison and holds all of us hostage. It would be easy for comedy groups to reinvent the wheel from their heroes and inspiration, but this is something different. The concepts and ideas are all brand new, with only the stereotyped themes handed over by us, the audience. What is great is that you can sense the close understanding and relationship the performers have, when things go awry or they improvise, slightly corpsing but clearly having fun, not only in their production but as friends and colleagues.

The acting is brilliant, with each actor having their own fully fledged character. This not only differentiates it well but adds levels to the performance, enhancing any surprises that come our way. They also feel comfortable involving us; we’re not spectators, we are taken hostage and involved in playing devil’s advocate or taking part in a twisted Black Mirror/Squid Game vote for death. They bring us into the performance, as old friends, and sometimes as friends who are just really bloody weird.

HOSTAGE is a fun-fuelled bubble of chaos, leaving sides splitting, a sense of bewilderment but certainly something enjoyed and unlikely to forget.

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