About/Get Involved

Get the Chance is a voluntary ran organisation, to donate to our work please click on the link below.

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Get Involved

For further information or to take part contact project coordinator Guy O’Donnell at the email below



Get The Chance

Get The Chance is a social enterprise based in South Wales, working to create opportunities for a diverse range of people to experience and respond to sport, arts, culture and live events. Get The Chance uses its online magazine website as a platform to showcase its activity. The website content will feature  workshop activity and outcomes, reviews, editorial features and much more. Our website is a platform for our members to share, discuss and evaluate their personal responses with their networks and the wider world. Get the Chance is the host organisation for members of Young Critics Wales, Community Critics Wales and 3rd Act Critics to host their activity and feedback.

 Our Name 

 Our name comes from a conversation between the comedian Billy Connolly and former Scottish trade union leader Jimmy Reid. At Reid’s funeral in 2010 Connolly stated;

“I remember him saying that if you look at these housing estates and high-rise flats – look at all the windows. Behind every one of these windows is somebody who might be a horse-jumping champion, a formula one racing champion, a yachtsman of great degree, but he’ll never know because he’ll never step on a yacht or formula one car – he’ll never get the chance.”

Connolly said those words still haunted him to this day.


We share many of the thoughts regarding a critical response to the arts as playwright Shelagh Delaney in this  interview by ITN from 1959.

Get the Chance guide to our star ratings

 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) Unmissable

 out of 5 stars (4 / 5) Excellent

 out of 5 stars (3 / 5) Good

 out of 5 stars (2 / 5) OK

 out of 5 stars (1 / 5) Poor

 out of 5 stars (0 / 5) No Stars

Code of Conduct

  • Avoid prejudice.
  • Aim to give a critical response as soon as possible after the event.
  • Be honest.
  • Resist pressure or control.
  • Not express offensive comments.
  • Be accurate.
  • Not plagiarise.
  • Show respect for theatre practitioners and fellow critics. (This would include not using the review or critical response to negatively criticise other practioners working within a similar art form.)
  • Not bring the practice into disrepute.
  • The critic should give full consideration and attention to all elements of a production.

Project background information



South Wales based social enterprise Get the Chance have been announced as runners up in the Celebrating Diversity Award at the national 2017 Epic Awards organised by Voluntary Arts.

The ceremony took place on Sunday the 19th March at the Sage Gateshead as part of BBC Radio 3’s Free Thinking Festival.

The Epic Awards were set up in 2010 by Voluntary Arts, an organisation that works across the UK and Republic of Ireland to promote participation in creative cultural activities. They celebrate the amazing contribution voluntary-led creative groups make to their communities.


The Celebrating Diversity Award is selected from across the full shortlist of 32 groups by a panel of judges representing teams in each nation. This award celebrates groups that have taken an innovative approach to highlighting the positive effects that come from living in a diverse society and is something that is central to the work that Voluntary Arts does all year round. Get the Chance were unanimously praised by the Epic Awards judges for

“The project’s unique approach to encouraging a diversity of voices”

Guy O’Donnell, Director of Get the Chance said;

“Get the Chance is honoured to be selected as runners up in the Celebrating Diversity Award. We strive to reflect the diverse nature of society in our voluntary membership. We learn from our team about barriers to sport and cultural provision and seek to work together to provide responses which are representative of all citizens in the UK.”

Membership of Get the Chance is free and all of its members are volunteers. Get the Chance is part of the Spice Time Credits Network. All members receive Time Credits for their work.

For further details please contact Guy O’Donnell, Director of Get the Chance


Datganiad i’r wasg

 Menter gymdeithasol yn ne Cymru yw ‘Get The Chance’. Daethom yn ail yn y Wobr Dathlu Amrywiaeth oedd yn rhan o Wobrau Epic Cenedlaethol 2017 a drefnwyd gan y Celfyddydau Gwirfoddol.

Cynhaliwyd y seremoni ar ddydd Sul y 19eg o Fawrth yn y Sage Gateshead fel rhan o ŵyl Free Thinking BBC Radio 3.

Cafodd y Gwobrau Epic eu sefydlu yn 2010 gan y Celfyddydau Gwirfoddol, sefydliad sy’n gweithio ar draws y DU a Gweriniaeth Iwerddon i annog pobl i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau diwylliannol creadigol. Mae’r gwobrau yn dathlu cyfraniad anhygoel grwpiau creadigol, gwirfoddol i’w cymunedau.


Caiff y Wobr Dathlu Amrywiaeth ei dyfarnu i un o’r 32 grŵp sydd ar y rhestr fer gyflawn gan banel o feirniaid sy’n cynrychioli timau ym mhob un o wledydd y Deyrnas Gyfunol. Caiff y wobr hon ei rhoi i grŵp sydd wedi mynd ati mewn ffordd arloesol i dynnu sylw at yr effeithiau cadarnhaol sy’n dod o fyw mewn cymdeithas amrywiol. Yn wir, mae’r elfen hon yn rhan ganolog o’r gwaith mae’r Celfyddydau Gwirfoddol yn ei wneud drwy gydol y flwyddyn. Canmolwyd ‘Get The Chance’ yn unfrydol gan feirniaid y Gwobrau Epic am

ffordd unigryw’r prosiect o gael pobl o bob math i gymryd rhan.”

Dywedodd Guy O’Donnell, Cyfarwyddwr ‘Get The Chance’;

“Mae ‘Get The Change’ yn teimlo’n freintiedig iawn iddyn nhw gael eu dewis yn ail am y Wobr Dathlu Amrywiaeth. Rydym yn gwneud ein gorau i adlewyrchu natur amrywiol cymdeithas yn y gwirfoddolwyr sy’n aelodau gyda ni. Rydym yn dysgu gan ein tîm am y pethau sy’n rhwystro pobl rhag cymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon a gweithgareddau diwylliannol, ac yn ceisio gweithio gyda’n gilydd i ymateb i hyn mewn ffordd sy’n cynrychioli pawb sy’n byw ym Mhrydain.”

Mae modd ymuno gyda ‘Get The Chance’ am ddim ac mae pob un o’u haelodau yn wirfoddolwyr. Mae ‘Get The Chance’ yn rhan o rwydwaith Time Spice Credit. Mae pob aelod yn derbyn Credydau Amser ar gyfer eu gwaith.

Am fanylion pellach cysylltwch â Guy O’Donnell, Cyfarwyddwr ‘Get The Chance’.


An article on the event from The Penarth Times, newspaper.


Young Critics

Get the Chance Director and Project Coordinator Guy O’Donnell was invited to present at the ADUK 2016 Conference on Young Critics Wales. This years ADUK’s 2016 conference, was organised in association with Voluntary Arts, exploring both organisations’ joint initiative ourculturalcommons.org which sets out to explore new ways to sustain and develop the creative lives of our communities in all their diversity.

Guy spoke at “Development Forum 4: Digital Development: A session looking at practical applications of social media, chaired by Lucia Masundire (chair of ADUK’s Communications & Marketing WP) and considering ways that social media is used as a tool for coming together through Our Cultural Commons.


(Click on image to enlarge)


Young Critics Wales began when National Theatre Wales performed Love Steals Us From Loneliness by Gary Owen in Hobos nightclub in Bridgend. Project Coordinator Guy O’Donnell was employed by BCBC at the time as an Art Officer and worked with NTW and the young people of Bridgend to support them to respond to the play. Below is a short digital story from Catherine Paskell giving some background on this process.


Our members we asked to present at the National Rural Touring Forum and Night Out Wales Annual Conference 2011.

Our presentation areas was; Extending the Reach: Working with Young People. Guy O’Donnell: Bridgend County Borough Council & Chelsey Gillard & Rachel Williams: Bridgend Young Critics aims to develop and showcase the voices of young people, encouraging them to think critically about the theatrical or musical productions they have seen.



Background Articles






3rd Act Critics

3rd Act Critics is an independent organisation available to people aged 50+. Through expert guidance, members are able to explore the role of the arts critic, and discover different ways to respond to arts, culture and sport, including Face book, Vimeo and Twitter. 3rd Act Critics was initially funded through the Age Cymru Gwanwyn project.



Our first workshop was led by Gary Raymond Editor of Wales Arts Review


The Workshop took place at The Wales Millennium Centre who very kindly gave us the space in kind to support the project.


Our first workshop at the Wales Millennium Centre

Since October 2011, 3rd Act Critics has worked very successfully in partnership with a range of venues and companies including Age Cymru, National Theatre Wales, Sherman Cymru, National Dance Company Wales, Literature Wales, Wales Millennium Centre, WNO, Theatre na Nog, Earthfall, Arts Council Wales, Night Out and Theatre Wales website. Throughout the year, 3rd Act Critics are encouraged to write a number of reviews.


Take part

For further information or to take part contact project coordinator Guy O’Donnell: odonnell.guy@gmail.com

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Creating opportunities for a diverse range of people to experience and respond to sport, arts, culture and live events. / Lleisiau amrywiol o Gymru yn ymateb i'r celfyddydau a digwyddiadau byw