The Get the Chance, Cultural Impact Awards 2025, Short list.

The Panel for the Get the Chance, Cultural Impact Awards 2025, supported by Tempo Time Credits, Ffilm Cymru Wales and Porters Cardiff, met two weeks ago, to decide the Long and Short list for this years awards. The Short list is below, the quality of nominations was very high and the panel had a very difficult decision, congratulations to everyone listed below!

The Short listed nominees will be invited to attend the live awards event at Porters, Cardiff on Saturday 22 March at Porters Cardiff 5-7pm.

Thanks to all of the members of the public that took time to nominate, it was great to see a range of cultural activity that reaches a broad range of the public and its positive impact on their quality of life.

Thanks to our panel for volunteering their time to support this inaugural Awards event.


Public Event

(Sponsored by Tanio)

Operation Julie Tour, Theatr na nÓg

Grav – 10 year celebration/ Owen Thomas and Gareth John Bale

Mae Gen Ti Ddreigiau/You’ve Got Dragons adapted by Manon Steffan Ros from the book by Kathryn Cave & Nick Maland/ Taking Flight Theatre Company

Creative of the Year

(Sponsored by Porters Cardiff)

Bradley Rmer One, Yusuf Ismail and Shawqi Hasson, Unify Creative

Geinor Styles, Theatr na nÓg

Gavin Porter, Director

Community and Education Project

(Sponsored by The Red Shoes Poster Archive)

The Fight Company, Theatr na nÓg

Little Gigs Bach, The Little Gigs Team and Cerdd CF,  The Cardiff Commitment Curriculum Team

Mess Up The Mess Theatre Company with a focus on the regular Youth Theatre and their projects

Facilitator of the Year

Sara Sirati, Ardour Academy, Create & Connect

Steph Bailey Scott, Taking Flight Theatre Company, Taking Flight Youth Theatre/ You’ve Got Dragons/Introduction to working Inclusively/Deaf Awareness training

 Joanne Shackley, Mess Up The Mess Theatre Company, The Yfory Project

Culture and Health

(Sponsored by Christine O’Donnell)

People Speak Up, Creative Home Delivery Service

Sara Sirati and Anna Coviello, Ardour Academy LTD, Butterfly Soup

Queertawe artists, staff, partners and participants, Connect and Flourish project led by Mess Up The Mess Theatre Company in partnership with Bethan Marlow, Cerian Wilshire-Davies, Swansea Pride, Urban HQ, SwanScene and Swansea Bay Health Board, Queertawe and Queertawe Frinj,

Cultural Champion

(Sponsored by Tempo Time Credits)

Debbie Webster, Theatr na nÓg, Chair of the Board

Sara Sirati, Ardour Academy

Jak Bjornstrom, Galwad & The Edit

Commitment to Arts, Heritage & Culture

(Sponsored by Awen Cultural Trust)

Samea Ahmed, Mount Stuart Primary School

Louise Williams, Cadoxton Primary School, Barry,

Ruth Wiltshire, Head Teacher, St. Paul’s Church in Wales, Primary School, Cardiff

Disabled Creativity

Taking Flight Theatre

Alex Rees and Jane Latham, UCAN Productions

The Craidd Project

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