Written & performed by Paula Varjack, devised and performed by featured casts members; Julienne Doko, Endy Mckay & Pauline Meyers.
NINE SIXTEENTHS retells the most searched incident over the internet. On the 1st February 2004, where we witness during the play the extent of ongoing warranted investigations, meetings, interviews, congressional hearings and biased coverage distorting the narrative of the feminine, an unprotected Black woman within patriarchal society, simultaneously tackling unethical white supremacy within show business causing infliction at every angle, complexing narratives through choice of language, encouraging further scrutiny, working against the woman.

NINE SIXTEENTHS well depicts from start to finish the challenges & turmoil Janet truly experienced. In the opening scenes we evidently see how the finale of the SuperBowl during Half time released the wildfire, with two of the most Iconic artists Janet Jackson & Justin Timberlake’s duet on Justin’s popular song ‘Rock your body with the final line’… “Have you naked by the end of this song” taking the world by surprise as he unapologetically revealed Janet Jackson’s breast in slow motion.
Each talented cast member perfectly highlighted the necessity for the world to have & share their opinion in their great multi-character takes, displaying the deepness of Janet’s never-ending humiliation, rage & hate speech for Janet Jackson daily shameful accusations, one being it was all a publicity stunt!
The obsession for more air time on this topic brought the attraction to the founding of YouTube! With the Founder of YouTube keen on erasing & destroying Janet’s career as profit & gains.
The influx of searches per day after the Super Bowl, helped stir debates around Janet’s sexually explicit content, where we see how even the White House launched an investigation on whether the CBS was in on it. With noone believing Janet’s verbal statement! FCC fined CBS, allowing the CEO of CBS to hate on Janet for eternity, fixating on getting her blacklisted on major music stations; MTV & CBS radio stations where music was majorly promoted! Janet was cut off & shadow banned, triggering scrutiny, pain and vulnerability! Paula has done an incredible job on touching on the depths of this forgotten but never truly forgotten infliction.

In this play we are left critically thinking & reflecting on the ‘why’, why was Justin not mentioned once, acknowledged nor considered in the articles/headline news, with the frame solely on Janets indecency, deliberate tendencies, turning Justin Timberlake into the victim, the innocent bystander whilst Janet remained the perpetuator, blocked for 8years, undermined on live TV shows & criticised for the entire world to continue watching legally even till this day.
Overall, NINE SIXTEENTHS highlighted how our attention is our main currency so be careful how we choose to use it. The importance of acknowledging the why & what threatens Black woman’s safety net expressed universal vulnerability. However, unlike Janet, can we trust the personal spectrum is being heard, respected and considered this time around, moving forward.
Playing until 16th November 3pm & 7.30pm. November 14th performance will be BSL signed by Jacqui Beckford.