In the tiny upstairs room of a lovely bar, Sofi’s, we are introduced to Andy Quirk and his partner in crime, Anna J. Dressed in what could be described as street/ ‘chav’ gear, the two entertain us through comedy in the form of songs addressing some of the 99 problems of the World.
These musical interludes tap into different genres of music – rap, house, punk pop, 80’s and are all entertaining, addressing Bags for Life, waiting in a queue and the meal deal; and while funny, they are also true to life, making our interaction easy and the connection to the narratives true to life.
The relationship of Andy Quirk and Anna J is on point – they interact well with us and with each other, making the show flow and with room to add ad libs, going with the flow and making the show catered to us.
The music is fun, recognisable and also clever in how they in put the lyrics to the beat. For every song, we have a chance to be involved so rather than being sung / rapped at, we have the chance to join in and sing our hearts out to relatable content.
99 First World Problems is fun, funny and quite a nice break out of the main hustle and bustle of busy Royal Mile. If you want a laid back, enjoyable show you can get involved with, then this is it.